
How are you combatting despair? What pinpricks of joy are you clinging to? I’d love to hear what’s bringing light to your life this season.

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Jul 3Liked by Danielle Coffyn

All of this. I find myself becoming increasingly apathetic and disheartened by the trajectory of this country and can’t wrap my head around these decisions. While it weakens my positive outlook, it does strengthen my emotional resolve and hunger for change. Believe harder. Write more. Combat hate and small mindedness in the only way we can: by loving more.

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Jul 3Liked by Danielle Coffyn

While of course also voting and taking whatever other actionable steps we can to use our voice in this country but you get my point! ;)

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Yes! I’ve found it has to be a balance of both. Vote, speak out, write (for me that’s a form of resistance and processing) AND cling to the things on a more micro level that are beautiful and good.

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Jul 3Liked by Danielle Coffyn

1000% writing is revolution. You never know when the spread of ideas will speed up; when the winds of change will come and a certain idea or belief will catch fire for the better.

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This! I don't have the physical energy to go out the way I used to, but I can write and reach other people. Looking back on history writing and the arts have always been a form of revolution, and I'm proud to use my pen as a form of resistance.

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Jul 3Liked by Danielle Coffyn

I have to dissociate from the political reality right now just in order to get thru the immediate reality of taking care of my kids, trying to work, all while living in a chronically ill/disabled body.

I guess the good part is I'm conscious that in doing it...

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I think there are times in our lives where we have to go into survival mode like that. I know I’ve certainly been in that space 💛

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Jul 3Liked by Danielle Coffyn

I'm keeping busy (and napping) and not listening to or watching the news. I've made a big list of things I need to do, filled largely with things I want to do and things I like to do. Each morning, I just start picking things off that list. If I'm busy, I'm not thinking about the looming orange menace.

My pinpricks of joy - my partner, my cats, a friend who came over and put in two hours of work on our back yard (an angel), the possum cover I just bought for a couch pillow, frozen yogurt, flowers in my yard and other people's yards, and pretty rocks.

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I absolutely love your list! And a possum cover for your couch pillow made me smile on this dreary St. Louis morning :)

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Right there with you.

Some days, I find myself numb to cope. Other days, I immerse myself in art, loved ones, and nature, but I still feel the presence of looming doom hiding in the shadows.

It's tough. It's hard. Those words don't even appropriately encapsulate the world right now. But the fact that we are not alone in feeling like this gives me hope. Because highly sensitive people & people who love humanity and respect everyone's rights are the ones who make a positive difference. It is beautiful (and so needed) for me to see good, loving human beings in this world. Also realizing I'm not alone in feeling so much despair and worry makes me want to cry in a healing way. A good, collective, healing cry.

Thank you for this. May we all continue to cling to the light and push back on the darkness.

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I think leaning hard into community is so important. You are not alone in your despair and worry. I wish it was something we talked about more. When I shared this essay to my Instagram, someone reported it and Instagram asked if I needed to reach out for professional help. I found that so disheartening...how talking about the reality of how hard it is for so many of us causes alarm because we live in a culture hyper-fixated on toxic positivity.

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The more we share the less alone we are in the world. Bearing witness in person is so rare. Let's story witness.

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That is disheartening, and it's so tiring living in a culture hyper-fixated on toxic positivity. I am thankful for Substack and the community here that holds space for these discussions. It's been so nice finding a platform where we can discuss hard things more openly. Definitely needs to be discussed more like you said!

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I adore all of the poets you listed. I use many in my grief work as inspiration for writing prompts.

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I’ve found poetry to be a powerful source for writing prompts in the hiking and writing retreats I facilitate. Even people who don’t typically read poetry find that when we sit down and examine poems together, something inside of them unlocks, and they’re able to access parts of themselves that don’t often come to the surface.

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Even a line... Ada Limon has one on Quiet that is a great prompt....

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